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We give our clients full access to call us LITERALLY 24/7, until they are completely on their own...and even after that, if they just have general questions about anything, they can call anytime (the reality is...after 4-5 days, you'll probably never need to call us again). If you are at a Deli at 4 AM and have a question about a sandwich you are eating, you call us.

We call ourselves FOOD COACHES for a reason. WE WILL NOT LET YOU FAIL. We call you (especially the first week) many times during the day to check in...until you get used to the fact that you can call us anytime. It's funny, no matter how much you charge people, they still feel bad about calling. So we just keep calling you until you get the hint. All you have to do is get it right ONE TIME, and you will have complete control of your body for life!

It is also only fair to let you know that we do not take on just anyone as a client. After you're sold on us, we must then be sold on you. We give so much of our time, our energy, our love, and our passion to our clients...we are simply unwilling to take on anyone who is not seriously ready to change their life. It is also extremely important to us that you succeed. That means learning it yourself, not hiring us to train your live-in chef (which we're unwilling to do unless the client is there to learn as well).

To explain what we do in words is not possible. We have made a paltry attempt to do so on this website but to no avail. This is why we insist you talk to our clients before talking with us. To hear the magic of what we teach in their words, not ours, makes all the difference in the world. And even then, it is almost impossible to explain. Certain things simply cannot be described. They can only be experienced.

Basically, we are the Mr. Miyagi's of Nutrition. When you study with Mr. Miyagi, he'll make you a champion black belt in a matter of a few months. If you study in a studio with a big class...in one year, you might make green belt. The next year, red belt. Then the third year yellow belt, and so on. With us, our teaching methods, combined with our secret ingredient - extreme passion and love for our clients - we crystallize the knowledge in such a way you can't ever forget it. And it doesn't take years, or months, or weeks. It takes a few hours.

So, to put it simply, it's an investment in yourself for the rest of your life. This knowledge will be with you forever, and will help to keep you healthy, energetic, and disease free.

Contact us today and take the first step to becoming your own nutritional expert.


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